North Shore Experts Dispel Carpet Cleaning Myths

Myths abound in carpet cleaning north shore, including dust mites in your rug. As specialists, we’ve heard them all and should clarify. Shatter some of these myths, shall we, learn more?

Myth #1: “Wait as long as possible before cleaning a new carpet.” Ah, this old chestnut! Just like ‘don’t wash your new jeans till they stand up on their own.’ Cleaning your carpet regularly actually benefits it. This is like a carpet spa day, keeping them fresh and extending their life.

The famous “All carpet cleaning methods are the same.” That would put us all out of work! Different materials and weaves require different methods. Treating a delicate silk rug like a synthetic runner is like using shampoo as a body wash—it might work, but not ideal.

Another frequent one: “I have a vacuum cleaner; I don’t need professional cleaning.” If only it were that easy! Professional cleaning is like going to the dentist, whereas vacuuming is like brushing. Both are necessary for good health. Deep-set dirt, oils, and allergies aren’t removed by vacuuming. This is like shaking a stained shirt to clean it.

Let’s discuss “Carpet cleaning shrinks carpets.” Yes, washing and drying your wool sweater will make it suitable for your hamster. We know our stuff. Your carpets will be cleaner and the same size once we use the proper method and equipment.

“Carpets get dirtier faster after cleaning”—heard that? This fallacy is like believing car cleaning invites dust. If residue remains after incorrect carpet cleaning, it can attract dirt. Methods and thorough rinsing and drying are key. Cleaning done right can reverse.

What about “Baking soda and vinegar are the ultimate carpet cleaners”? They’re useful but not cure-alls. It’s like bandaging every medical concern. Some stains and odors require professional cleaning. Having the correct tool matters.

Finally, “Steam cleaning causes mold and mildew.” We hear it often. If your carpet is damp for days, you may have a problem. However, skilled steam cleaning doesn’t flood carpets. Like drying off after a shower, do it right and you’re good.

Carpet Cleaning Sydney
38 Canoon Rd, South Turramurra NSW 2074, Australia
0413 194 766

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